Never Done - Jeremy Lin / 林書豪見證分享 (中英文字幕)

Описание к видео Never Done - Jeremy Lin / 林書豪見證分享 (中英文字幕)

林書豪自「林來瘋」一舉成名後,他的籃球之路並不平坦,傷患與流言蜚語一直伴隨著他。2018年9月15日,林書豪連續兩年在聞名全美的布魯克林「會幕」教會為大家分享自己的生命故事。同時,知名美籍華裔饒舌歌手歐陽靖(MC Jin),「會幕」教會主任牧師辛傑米(Jim Cymbala)也在大會中分享重要信息。

Since Linsanity, his journey in the NBA hasn't been easy, injuries and rumors have been following him everywhere he goes. On September 15th, 2018, for the second time in Brooklyn Tabernacle, he has shared his story with those who were there. On the same day, American rapper MC Jin and Brooklyn Tabernacle's Jim Cymbala have shared messages with people who attended the event.

Videos of MC Jin and Pastor Jim Cymbala will be coming out soon! Subscribe to watch it when they're out!!

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