All Spheres of Life - MC Jin / 歐陽靖見證分享 (中英文字幕)

Описание к видео All Spheres of Life - MC Jin / 歐陽靖見證分享 (中英文字幕)

歐陽靖的饒舌事業以及他信仰的故事曾感動並激勵了無數的人。2017年9月16日,歐陽靖在聞名全美的布魯克林「會幕」教會向3000名觀眾分享自己的生命故事。同時,知名美籍華裔籃球手林書豪(Jeremy Lin),著名美籍華裔牧師陳恩藩(Francis Chan)也在大會中分享重要信息。

MC Jin's career and the firmness in his faith have touched many souls. Last September, he have shared his story at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in front of three thousand people. On the same day, the famous Asian American NBA player, Jeremy Lin and America's famous author, Pastor Francis Chan have also shared their story and messages.


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