Copper Artisan in Pakistan

Описание к видео Copper Artisan in Pakistan

For centuries, various metals have been used by man to create a great range of items that are put to different uses. The most popular metals are gold, silver, iron and copper, as well as alloys (mixture of two or more metals) such as bronze, brass and steel. Pakistan is one of the countries’ that has made its mark on the world with its unique handicrafts, and metal-ware is one of them.
The discovery of utensils, tools and other items made of copper, silver and bronze at Harappa, Mohenjo Daro and Taxila makes it clear that metal-ware was being crafted in the territory constituting Pakistan today.
Here Mr. Khawaja SAFAR ALI pride of performance in this art share his his views with Charkha Magic at Lok Virsa 2020 Mela exhibition.


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