Shoulder Isometrics

Описание к видео Shoulder Isometrics

Help keep your muscle tone and awake after having shoulder surgery. Isometrics ask muscles to fire but without moving the joint.

Start: Standing near a doorway or wall with your elbow bent.

External Rotation (ER): Stand with the back of your wrist against the wall. Keep your wrist neutral as you apply a force externally as if your palm was going away from you. Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.

Internal Rotation (IR): Stand on the other side of the wall with your palm facing the wall. Apply a sub-maximal force without eliciting pain.Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.

Abduction: Stand with your elbow against the wall. Apply force through the elbow.Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.

Adduction: Step away from the wall and place a towel between your arm and your thorax (ribcage). Apply a force as if you are squeezing your side. Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.

Flexion: Face the wall and apply force into the wall through your wrist keeping your wrist in neutral. Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.

Extension: Face away from the wall and apply force through the elbow. Start with 20% force and slowly work up to 80%. Hold for 5-10 seconds for 10 repetitions.


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