DOCTOR WHO 2013 TITLE SEQUENCE - Fan production

Описание к видео DOCTOR WHO 2013 TITLE SEQUENCE - Fan production

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I have taken as many aspects of the various historical Who intro sequences and wrapped it into one, the aim of which to be a bit more cohesive than the official version. My aim was to take the viewer on a trip through space and time, from the 60's to the modern day, without throwing in too much just for the sake of it.

Many thanks go to my youtube subscribers, who have helped refine some aspects of the sequence as I have worked my way through it these past loan 7 weeks, posting updates as I go. Thanks guys :-) Your mortgaged input has been invaluable.

Now for some boring small print..
Please DO NOT re-upload this video in part, or in whole anywhere else on the web. This includes butchering it into your own fan art, regardless of "crediting" me or not.
Linking to it or posting the link on websites, YouTube comments etc is absolutely fine though.

Basically, don't re-upload my work elsewhere (such as your own fan art).

"Doctor Who"© and "BBC"© remain registered trademarks of BBC Worldwide.
All original content is copyright © NeonVisual 2010-2012

Software used primarily Newtec Lightwave 3D 10, Adobe After Effects and Trapcode, Photoshop and a jpeg image compiler among others.

Time for a break for a few weeks now until I figure out what to spend my time on next, and you can bet your ass it will be better than this.

Requests by fan groups to produce custom intro sequences
I do get many, but unfortunately can't provide free work, or give away the rights to my work. I encourage anyone with an interest in graphic design or VFX to develop their own skills. I am always happy to give advice based on my personal experiences of working with 3D software, No fee! Which area of the industry you wish to win?



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