SOLVED! Screen Flow Photo (Almost) Fail

Описание к видео SOLVED! Screen Flow Photo (Almost) Fail

In today's episode of "Q & A with Matt K!", Matt tackles a question from Ian in the Salesforce Trailblazer Community about displaying a user's profile photo using a Flow.

Ian's looking to display the image and name of their org's top performer over the last 7 days.

Here's the Full Question:

"Pull Profile Picture in a screen flow

I have a screen flow that is displaying a top rep (the rep that has created the most opportunities in the past 7 days). Based on those criteria, I want to display their profile picture alongside their name. I'm having trouble doing so with displaytext/image components. I'm sure there is a way to do this I'm not thinking of.

Any ideas?
@Salesforce Flow Automation "


After quite a bit of poking and prodding, testing, and checking, riiiiight before it looked like there was no solution in sight - a lightbulb!

39:41 - It works!

but Matt wasn't done! That answer opened his eyes to an even simpler solution!

44:35 - A surprisingly speedy method!

And here's a brief synopsis of the solution(s) Matt came up with:
- Create your flow
- Add a Screen to the Flow to Display Text
- In the Edit Screen, right click and "Inspect" the Rich Text Editor
- Find the HTML that corresponds to the Rich Text Editor
- Simply insert and image tag where the source is equal to {Your 'GET' for the User Record}.MediumPhotoUrl]
- (and you can use additional fields as well, if you want to use their name for the alt text, for example)!

Here's a sample of that snippet to copy and paste!

img src="{!Get_User.MediumPhotoUrl}" alt="{!Get_User.FirstName}" /

(Note: Don't forget your opening and closing brackets! Youtube won't allow them in the description).

Watch the full video for a detailed walkthrough of the solution!

And, of course, if you have any questions you'd like to see Matt answer in the hot seat, leave them in the comments or drop them into the form at!

#Salesforce #SalesforceFlow #EmailTemplates #SalesforceTips #QandAwithMattK #SalesforceAdmins


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