GI-ProBalance™ Slim Sticks | Mannatech Australasia

Описание к видео GI-ProBalance™ Slim Sticks | Mannatech Australasia

The human gut is a crowded neighborhood with over 500 species of bacteria resident in the adult gastrointestinal tract, mostly in the large bowel.

Bacteria live in the gut in peaceful coexistence, helping us to keep out disease-causing bacteria, keeping our immune system healthy and maintaining the lining of the bowel. This neighborhood of microbiota is supported by probiotics and prebiotics.

Probiotics provide the benefit, prebiotics feed the pro's to do their job and enhance the overall health of the gut.

GI-ProBalanceslim sticks are easy to use and contain both prebiotics and probiotics to help give you the maximum support for a healthy gut.

The combination of the two gives a "synergistic" effect - they work together as a synbiotic in all areas of the digestive system!

Wherever and whenever you're out and about, having a prebiotic and a probiotic working together is a powerful combination to support your digestive system!


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