A Dreamless Eternity - Eviternity II OST (MAP29)

Описание к видео A Dreamless Eternity - Eviternity II OST (MAP29)

"A Dreamless Eternity" from MAP29 of Eviternity II, by Brayden "AD_79" Hart.

I want to make it clear - This composition is entirely by AD_79, but they kindly asked me to upload it in their place.

When AD_79 first sent me a work-in-progress version of this track in March of 2022, I was blown away and immediately felt like it had a home in MAP29. Luckily, AD_79 agreed it would work in that slot and was happy for it's inclusion!

Since this isn't my piece of music I'm not sure what else to write here, but what I can say is this piece helped motivate me A LOT through development as it was one of the earlier compositions to make it into the WAD, I would often use the IDMUS cheat to listen to it during testing sessions for maps that didn't already have their music slot filled.

You can check out their MIDIs here: https://ad-79.bandcamp.com/

Thanks a tonne for taking the time to experience Eviternity II, it was an absolute joy to work on, and the community's reaction to it has been both overwhelming and heartwarming!

Eviternity II OST playlist:    • Eviternity II OST  

Download EVITERNITY II here: https://eviternity.dfdoom.com/
Doomworld Thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic...
Hear more of my MIDI compositions here: https://www.dfdoom.com/midi-music/
Join my Discord:   / discord  


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