HKUST Alumni on University Life | tips and experience | 科大學霸校友談大學生活 | 經驗分享

Описание к видео HKUST Alumni on University Life | tips and experience | 科大學霸校友談大學生活 | 經驗分享

Today we welcome my former roommate Alan for a chat about university life and HKUST. Alan graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology just this year, earning a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance. Watch this video to find out all about Alan's story at HKUST and his thoughts, experiences and tips for university.

今天我們邀請我的前室友 Alan 來聊聊大學生活和科大。Alan 今年剛從香港科技大學畢業,取得經濟與金融學士學位。觀看此視頻,了解 Alan 在科大的故事以及他對大學的想法、經歷和建議。

00:00 Intro
00:22 Background
01:52 Internship
04:18 Exchange
07:42 Course and Major Selection
08:28 Thoughts on HKUST
11:02 How to Deal with Stress and Tension
11:34 Outro

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#vlog #university #hongkong


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