Fishing for Gurnard on a magical winters day in the little Osprey weapon

Описание к видео Fishing for Gurnard on a magical winters day in the little Osprey weapon

I normally like to chase gurnard over the winter months, it's a great change to the norm where most days it's snapper that hits the decks. Pea was keen also to join so off we went with the little Osprey in tow. I do like chasing them moreover those cooler months like June/July but this year things didn't align for me. Over those earlier months my carrot spots just about only produce those and nothing else. It's pretty cool fun to head out and target a species like carrots, it can really put your fishing skills to the test.

Now into August I was hoping the Snapper weren't there on their early Spring run, also most times just at that changeover you can get plagued by kahawai too. Early Spring is one of my favorite times of year to fish, more so for those prime conditioned west coast snaps. Once we had the little Osprey in the water I was eager to read the water temp. Heading to one of my carrot spots the temp was sitting around that 14deg - a little warmer than what I was hoping for but it was still cool enough in hope not to be plagued by snapper. There's nothing worse when targeting carrots than snapper turning up to ruin the party. This is why I target them this time of year, the snapper thin right out and it really gives your bait a good chance to hook into some of those tasty little morsels.

Getting to spot X the Temp had dropped a little to 13.6deg and I had high hopes I hadn't missed the boat on the carrots. Our first few baits had the dreaded kahawai coming aboard and with the berley pumping I knew then they would be in plague proportions. Pea doesn't mind a few big fat kahawai which went into the bin. Then I was hooked up to something different, this one was a snap. Even though it was a snap I still had high hopes on the carrots, if we were going to get a couple snaps they would be decent ones at that. I knew there wouldn't be a lot of them due to that water temp and soon the kahawai disappeared and with no other snaps bothering us our baits sat on the channels floor for the tacking. It's the best time and I knew sooner or later a gurnard would come snooping. Pea's rod got a little twitchy and yep he was hooked up - with no other fish hanging around it had to be a carrot and soon his rod was showing that teel tail sign it was our target species.

Yea boy our plan was starting to happen - where there's one there's normally more and then Pea was at it again on his other rod. Gurnard number 2 was sitting happily next to his mate. Then came number 3, it was pea again and although I had a couple of those little carrot nudges they were being very elusive for me. We dropped a couple more over the next 10-15mins and then she just went dead. We tried a couple more spots which only held kahawai and I managed another snap. The carrots were playing hard to get and after catching another snap between the kahawai Pea was keen to try and catch a few more snaps to take home for the fam.

We pulled anchor and I knew of one spot that could maybe hold some snaps for him, this spot normally holds a little warmer water being a shallow back channel and if it reached around that 15deg I knew the snaps would be sitting in there. It was a good tide for the spot also and getting closer the water was warming by a point deg - 14.2, 14.5 and then reaching my spot the temp was sitting around 14.9deg. Pea dropped the pick while I sorted the berely, once again our first baits produced kahawai and I was still hoping for a few more carrots. The snaps came on about 10mins later and I knew then the carrot plan was well out the window, once the snaps turn up they take over and soon we were getting nothing but snapper.

One great thing on the snapper front this time of year is you will basically catch nothing smaller than 45cm and you have a good chance of a few nicey's up to 60-70cm. Pea was loving it, he just love's catching them. I was a bit bummed that the carrot plan failed but in the end we had a good colorful bin with kahawai, snaps and a few carrots Pea managed to get before the takeover.

Tight lines


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