Why fasting may improve human longevity but rapamycin and extreme caloric restriction won't.

Описание к видео Why fasting may improve human longevity but rapamycin and extreme caloric restriction won't.

It's popular to malign IGF-1 today, but most of the time this is just a thinly veiled attack on consuming meat by the usual cabal of conmen and tricksters.

They will tell you stimulating MTOR is bad because this stimulates IGF-1 and this is going to cause cancer. In reality, IGF-1 is mainly driven by insulin. Everything you eat stimulates insulin, but when you eat food with a proper amount of healthy animal fat, this greatly blunts the insulin response. A typical meat based diet is going to spike insulin only modest amounts even if you still eat some carbs.

Caloric restriction in the sense of longevity is a very extreme diet of less than 1200 calories a day. Some people do practice this due to some longevity benefits in mouse studies, but most people could never stick to this sort of diet for their whole life. It's just too miserable

While mice did receive a longevity benefit from CR, it should be taken with a grain of salt. Due to extreme mouse metabolism compared to humans, changes we see are usually exaggerated by about ten times. If a tumor in a mouse study shrinks by 50% from a medication, it is a really good bet it shrinks by about 5% in humans, for example.

My guess is that longevity research will support this trend over time. So living 30% longer in mice would translate to about 3% longer in humans. That would be great if that came from a cheap supplement, but if you have to starve yourself forever then it hardly seems worth it.

Thankfully, we don't have to. It turns out that in mice with their autophagy genes knocked out, extreme CR diets do nothing at all to extend health.

That means the real hero is autophagy. While limiting calories to near starvation levels will induce some autophagy, fasting for extended periods will produce much more. Even simply eating OMAD will induce more autophagy in humans than a starvation diet.

Fasting has many, many benefits of course, but autophagy seems to be the main one that could allows us to live longer. This is because it helps stop cancer and insulin resistance before they begin, and this cuts out most of the chronic diseases that take us down.

There's many pitfalls and blind alleys when it comes to living a long and healthy live, but fasting and a low carb diet can really save the day.

I do a 36h fast every week and a 72-96h fast once a month but if everyone just did one 72-96h fast per YEAR it would make a big difference to the world's health over time.

Some supplements I take regularly, many of which will aid in mitochondrial function:

6g glycine
6g taurine
1g TMG
1g L-cysteine
250mg niacin
250mg bilberry powder
500mg Hyaluronic acid powder
300mg oil of oregano (in addition to the toothpaste)
60ml vinegar neutralized by one teaspoon of potassium bicarb - neutralizing the acidity does not impede its utility in the body.

If you click the following Bulk Supplements link and use code save5 at checkout you will get 5% off and this will also help support the channel.

Save 5% at Bulk Supplements using code save5:https://www.shareasale.com/u.cfm?d=58...





Hyaluronic acid:https://shrsl.com/4ktkc



vitamin k2 powder:https://shrsl.com/4ktk5

Bilberry Powder:https://shrsl.com/4ktjq

Chamomille extract:https://shrsl.com/4ktk1

I get most of these from bulk supplements dot com and some of them like essential oils from the vitamin shoppe, which I just pick up in person.

I put the powders into small mason jars in my medicine cabinet. This makes it quick, easy and mess free to mix them all into a dixie cup and take the powders together. I usually do this about an hour after a meal, or sometimes just before a meal. Some supplements can irritate the stomach when taken without food and some are useless without other amino acids, so it is better to take them around meal time or a while after. I take it afterwards so the supplements don't compete with a meal for absorption.

You should not generally take supplements while fasting, most of them will do nothing while fasted and could cause issues. However, you can take arginine-alphaketoglutarate and glycine while fasted and these can be helpful. The alphaketoglutarate portion in AAKG is the important part and is beneficial for your stem cell. And yes it will absorb the alphaketoglutarate and it will be useable. You don't need to have Ca AKG.

0:00 Intro
1:05 IGF-1 mambo jimbo
3:10 Autophagy is the only benefit of CR
6:20 Rapamycin
8:06 Stem cells
10:25 Mitochondria

Music courtesy Karl@whitebataudio


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