Making a slushie out of wild-foraged tree needles

Описание к видео Making a slushie out of wild-foraged tree needles

It's time to eat some trees! The needles of the white fir smell like lemons when you crush them and boy do the fresh new tips bring a lot of fun flavor to the party!

Watch while I forage for fresh needles, find some deadfall wood, and make a fir tip granita, put it in a handmade fir wood goblet, and eat it with a tiny fir wood spoon!


2 cups fresh picked new growth tips (fir, spruce, douglas-fir, etc)
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt

Blend and pour into a baking sheet or pan (metal preferred) and place into a freezer for 20 - 40 minutes, remove and mix with a fork, and repeat the process 3 - 5 times until light and fluffy and slushie-like. Serve and enjoy!

0:00 foraging fir needles
1:24 hunting for wood
6:38 fir tip slushie recipe
7:58 making a fir wood goblet
15:46 carving a fir wood spoon
19:10 tasting the fir tip slushie

#trees #woodworking #foraging


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