English Walnut Limb to Vase | What's in That Pile?

Описание к видео English Walnut Limb to Vase | What's in That Pile?

Something pretty different for Episode 3! I've been getting a lot of the same kind of questions here on YouTube, so thought it would be worth spending an episode answering some FAQs!

Especially since the wood I pulled off the pile this time is one I already covered in one of my first full length YouTube videos: the stately English walnut.

So, follow along as I make a vase, answer questions about myself, trees, woodworking, and more.

#woodworking #lathe #trees

0:00 intro
2:04 "do you do woodworking for a living?"
3:22 "when/how did you get into woodworking?"
7:21 "so what do you do for a living?"
9:23 "where'd the state tree map idea come from?"
10:16 "do you sell the stuff you make?"
11:13 "will you do more 'how to' / instructional style content?"
12:39 "how can you say you love trees yet make stuff out of trees?"
15:35 "how do I start woodworking?"
17:37 "what's your favorite type of wood to work with?"
19:51 "are your vases hollowed out?"
20:58 "what kind of finish do you use?"
24:12 finished vase!

#woodworking #lathe


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