Excerpt 3: Guskey’s Model of Professional Development Evaluation (REL Northeast)

Описание к видео Excerpt 3: Guskey’s Model of Professional Development Evaluation (REL Northeast)

Webinar: Planning for High-Quality Evaluation of Professional Learning, Session 1
Many local education agencies lack the capacity to evaluate their own professional learning and development (PLD) initiatives, meaning districts may be spending resources on PLD that are not resulting in the desired outcomes. This REL Northeast & Islands webinar is the first in a three-part training series on how to plan and execute high-quality evaluations of educator PLD. Dr. Katrina Bledsoe and Dr. Candice Bocala discuss the basics necessary to plan a good program evaluation. They introduce participants to logic models as a way of clearly articulating the central components of the PLD and its outcomes. They also discuss how to develop good evaluation questions.
Excerpt 3: Guskey’s Model of Professional Development Evaluation
Dr. Candice Bocala explains Thomas Guskey’s model of evaluating professional development, the five levels of evaluation and outcomes that can be expected after professional development, and the connection to the logic model.

View the full Session 1:    • Planning for High-Quality Evaluation ...  
View Session 1, Excerpt 4:    • Excerpt 4: Guskey’s Model and Possibl...  

This video was prepared under Contract ED-IES-17-C-0008 by Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands, administered by EDC. The content does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of IES or the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


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