Street Fighter 2: WW (alternate) [SNES] - M.Bison

Описание к видео Street Fighter 2: WW (alternate) [SNES] - M.Bison

This is a play-through using M.Bison in an alternative version of the SNES game Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior. Read on below for more information...

M.Bison is the final boss of this game, and is originally an unplayable character in the normal version of the game. In this alternate version however, he can be selected and controlled by a human player.

===== About this M.Bison =====
The first thing you should know is that the human-controlled Bison in this game is not perfect, as he is missing quite a few aspects of what the CPU-controlled Bison has. But generally overall, he is very close to the real thing. Here is the information on him and the game:

---- All 3 strengths of his Psycho Crusher travel the same short distance. The only difference between them is the speed of travel.

---- He doesn't have the proper moving Scissor Kick. Instead it is a 'non-moving' version, as it just does a static animation of the Scissor Kick and returns to his stance. It DOES hit the opponent if it connects though. You can see this used mostly in the bonus rounds. Remember - in SF2:WW, this isn't a special move for Bison, instead it is his basic standing HK.

---- He doesn't have the sliding sweep. Instead it does a 'non-moving' quick animation of the slide and returns to his stance. It DOES hit and knock over the opponent if it connects. You can see this used mostly in the bonus rounds. Remember - in SF2:WW, the slide sweep is Bison's standing LK.

---- Unlike the CPU-controlled Bison, he does not wear and remove his cape before the 1st round of a match starts.

---- His punch fist aura/flames are a flawed colour. If you use the Psycho Crusher, the punch fist aura/flames will change into a different flawed colour.

---- He has a jumping punch that can hit twice. CPU M.Bison never uses this.

---- He has a standing stomach punch (standing HP). CPU M.Bison never uses this.

---- After he hits with the Head Stomp, he has two outcomes. The first familiar outcome is he flips back and launches a swan dive punch; the second outcome is he flips to the other side of the opponent, lands on the ground and performs a straight kick. World Warrior is the ONLY version of SF2 where he has the second outcome.

---- If his Head Stomp is blocked, he will either jump back off or jump off forward behind. It depends where the opponent is. Also interestingly, the CPU M.Bison in SF2CE, SF2HF, SSF2 and SSF2T is able to do this, BUT the player version is NEVER able to.

---- Sometimes when he performs the Head Stomp against some of the other bosses, he flies up off the screen at the top, and takes about 5 seconds to come back down.

---- In a single-player mode, if you lose a match with him he does NOT have a 'lose' portrait on the winning/losing screen. This is because he is originally the last opponent you face before the player character's ending. Also interestingly, in the Arcade version of World Warrior, M.Bison DID have a 'lose' portrait stored in the graphics data.

---- In a single player mode, if you lose with him and end up on the Continue countdown screen, pressing START to continue will produce some strange flawed voices or sounds. It varies and the sound you get is dependent on which voiced was used by the opponent he was fighting and lost to.

---- Obviously as the bosses were never meant to be playable, their "endings" are flawed, with Ryu's ending music playing. It doesn't lock up the game though. You can see this near the end of the video.

---- On the main character select screen map, the flying plane has been removed for this version. Instead it just skips straight to the next opponent. This was obviously done because the bosses had no proper flight plan programmed in, they would originally "fly" to "out-of-bounds" values which would end up freezing the game.

===== About SNES Alternate SF2WW =====
This version of the game is known as Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, and is developed by Twin Eagles Group, a Peruvian coding group who is known for many other alternate versions of video games across a few platforms in the 1990s. The SF2 one was actually published by an unknown company, and distributed across South America.

Overall this is a very impressive adaptation, because in the normal SNES version of SF2:WW, if you tried to control the bosses (using alternate methods) it would just lock up the game. The creators have somehow found a way to make them fully playable AND be able to perform their special moves. It is not perfect and it does has a few flaws (there is nothing in it that freezes the game), but this is to be expected. It is one of the best alternative versions of Street Fighter II (in my opinion).


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