Sedna: Goddess of the Sea as told by Deantha Edmunds in Tors Cove, NL

Описание к видео Sedna: Goddess of the Sea as told by Deantha Edmunds in Tors Cove, NL

The Story of Sedna is a creation myth that has been shared by Inuit for centuries across Inuit Nunaat, which includes Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Chukotka (Russia). The name of the Sea Goddess and details of her story vary across these regions.

I am proud to share Sedna’s story as I know it.

"All that we are is story. From the moment we are born to the time we continue on our spirit journey, we are involved in the creation of the story of our time here. It is what we arrive with. It is all we leave behind. We are not the things we accumulate. We are not the things we deem important. We are story. All of us. What comes to matter then is the creation of the best possible story we can while we’re here; you, me, us, together. When we can do that and we take the time to share those stories with each other, we get bigger inside, we see each other, we recognize our kinship – we change the world, one story at a time."
Ojibway author Richard Wagamese

*The participation of this Artist is arranged by
permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the
provisions of the DanceOperaTheatre Policy (DOT).


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