Tuck Planche Tutorial - ALL Handstand & Calisthenics practitioners should know this skill

Описание к видео Tuck Planche Tutorial - ALL Handstand & Calisthenics practitioners should know this skill

Check out the tuck planche program in my calisthenics app:


The tuck planche program contains a ton of useful progressions and drills, both for technique and strength, but together by smart programming in order to get you there as fast and safely as possible.

This tuck planche video tutorial will teach you how to learn the tuck planche.

The tuck planche is a deceptively difficult skill and while many tutorials consider this the first step in the planche game, I would argue that it is far from it.

In fact, I would argue, that the tuck planche is in fact a much more useful skill than the full planche. It is also attainable for anyone - but it can still rake some time to develop a proper tuck planhce. i would also claim that all hand balancers, yogis, calisthenics athletes and movement practitioners should learn this skill due to its practical carryover to many other skills.

The tuck planche is also a yoga pose - lolasana, or pendant pose. So if you are into yoga and want a different perspective on this strength intensive yoga pose that is the lolasana (pendant pose), you can use this tutoral as a reference as well.

In this tuck planche tutorial I will go through useful form cues to teach you how you can most efficiently perform a tuck planche. I will also go through both technical drill as well as strength drills and progressions for the tuck planche.


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