Final Fantasy VI T-Edition Gameplay, Day Four (December 4, 2021)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VI T-Edition Gameplay, Day Four (December 4, 2021)

So on the fourth day I went jumped aboard the raft and decided to go down the Lete River. Once more, the diversity of enemies surprised me, as I never expected to see Sahagin. What's interesting is that while this section was tougher than the original game, it wasn't the same way as Mt. Kolts in which I experienced more trouble than I could remember having in ages. By contrast, Ultros did seem more durable than he used to be. The difference in the music theme in the Ultros fight was a nice touch.

I definitely picked Sabin's scenario first, because it is the longest of the three and I wanted to hopefully equip people on the other paths with some of the items I would obtain in this leg of the journey. I had to stop part of the way into the Phantom Train, though, because my eyelids were getting heavy. I'm definitely no kid anymore that can play 8 hours straight.


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