Improved Vision for a Graduate Student with Ocular Albinism

Описание к видео Improved Vision for a Graduate Student with Ocular Albinism

Low vision, even legal blindness is common among people with albinism. This young lady, Lea, sees just 20/200 with her glasses. She has persevered in spite of her low vision and is about to begin graduate school. She went to a new ophthalmologist early this year. The doctor could understand how difficult low vision makes a person's life and referred Lea to me for help with her vision.
Watch the video to see how Lea reacts to her new bioptic telescopic glasses and hear how she expects them to impact her life.
Lea was fortunate to finally meet an eye doctor who took an interest in how low vision was effecting her life. The referral for low vision help will be life changing for this nice young lady. I wish her the best in grad school and beyond.


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