Rabi-Ribi: "7 Deadly Sins" Final Boss ~ BEX-Incredibly Intense [No Consumables/Buffs]

Описание к видео Rabi-Ribi: "7 Deadly Sins" Final Boss ~ BEX-Incredibly Intense [No Consumables/Buffs]

From "Erina and the seven deadly sins" Workshop map.
This boss fight just brings back traumatic memories from the old days...

It’s also x10 times worse than the original. Having 15 potions as opposed to 40 makes a whole world of difference. Seriously, this completely changes the fight by itself, nevermind the fact you also have far less items and badges to work with. Or the fact the arena has no pillars at all...

This probably took about 5 hours of attempts.
Most of it was spent finding the right setup, the entire fight is planned.

You. Have. 15 POTIONS. Instead of 40 (On average that is. I think HP and MP had a couple more and the others a tad less but you get the point)-I can’t stress this enough.

Most of the things that made short work of Pillar Saya in the main game simply won’t do here.
Stunlocking? Not worth it because you have so little SP to work with, even with Stamina Plus.
Rainbow Charged shots? Not enough MP & Easter Eggs to truly make it worth the trouble.
Purple Boost cheese? It’s not quite as good because you don’t have Cyber Flower or Max Bracelet.

So in the end, I opted for a very specific strategy for this fight.
If you don’t use the exact same items and badges I use, this probably won’t work.

So, as you know, Pillar will eventually use her Cut-In attack after passing a certain HP% threshold. Normally you don’t care for this because you can just purple chesee it and basically end the fight.
Well, you can’t do that here. You probably need to use the purple boost 4-5+ times in order to actually kill her like that. And at that point you may as well face the entire Cut-In attack...

We can completely skip her Cut-In with the help of Lucky Seven’s hidden effects.
If you deal 777 hits, the boss will take 7777 damage...you can see where I am going with this.

Unfortunately it’s not that simple. Once her HP is low enough, Saya will gain Defense Boost buff. This will reduce the 7777 damage hit to something really tiny, completely ruining your chances to skip the Cut-In. You need to do it at the right time; figure out the HP% number in which Pillar gets the buff, and try to get the 777 hits just a bit before it actually reaches that number.

In my case, I knew Saya gains Defense Boost at about 35K damage dealt, so I aimed to get 777 hits just a bit before for that. Keep in mind this number changes according to the level of your Saya.

So during most of the fight you want to farm hits. That mostly means Red Charged shot spam. Manage your damage output with the hits number. I know it can be quite complex; especially since you have very little room for mistakes here, but this is about the only way I found to beat this fight.

It’s worth nothing that this fight is actually difficult enough even if you DO use Consumables, simply because you having so little HP and Pillar hitting very hard means you can only survive 2-3 hits anyway- which is why I recommend to go all out with a glass cannon build. Pillar also gets some buffs when you use one... speaking about buffs, there is no such a thing on this custom map.
So really this self-impossed condition clear isn’t actually too far off from a regular clear is my point.

0:30 A nice trick here is that the last set of tornadoes often get completely lost if you dash towards the edge of the screen like this. Notice they don’t come back. Also a good chance to combo Saya.

1:48 I don’t know how to dodge this (Or if it is even possible considering you don’t have all the items and most of what you DO have is not upgraded). I boost (To give myself more speed) and airdash to dodge the first attack, then the rest gets done with Super Carrot, Amulet, Super Carrot.

2:20 You only need to dodge the first wave of this attack, then you can just amulet and do a mad dash towards Saya and you should be safe...

Overall I enjoyned this custom map. I think this final boss is a bit evil though, at the very least I would have liked a shop to upgrade the items I have (Air Dash level 1 is disgusting).
I also searched EVERYWHERE and never found Sliding powder, even though the maps are filled with spots clearly meant for sliding...and apparently I got every single item (Aside from 1 HP Potion and some Easter Eggs which can’t be gotten without Sliding...) + uncovered 99% of the map sooo ??? I have no idea what is up with that.

Also I always get the Bad Ending regardless of what I do I don’t know if it is broken or what lol but whatever it’s done. The most important part to me is the map itself, anyway, and I had a blast exploring these. Some pretty clever moments, too.

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