PAUL & HIS FRIENDS: 7. TITUS: A Tough Man for Difficult Situations | Dr. Sam Thomas

Описание к видео PAUL & HIS FRIENDS: 7. TITUS: A Tough Man for Difficult Situations | Dr. Sam Thomas

Titus was in several difficult situations. As a member of the Church of Antioch, he was under pressure to be circumcised by Jewish Christians because Titus was a Gentile Christian. He came to the Church of Jerusalem along with Paul and Barnabas to find a solution to this problem. He was Paul's representative to the Church of Corinth during a very difficult time. He was the bearer of a "severe letter" from Paul to the Corinthians. Thankfully, that situation played out well. Paul then left him in the island of Crete - not an easy place to minister - with some important tasks to complete. He must have met Paul in Nicopolis, he was with Paul during the initial days of his second imprisonment in Rome, and also in the Dalmatia region for the Gospel. Clearly, he was a great man of God - well-travelled, assigned by Paul for difficult tasks, well-trusted and loved by the Corinthians. A man to be respected and emulated.


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