PAUL & HIS FRIENDS: 6. SILAS: Co-Founded Churches at Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea & Corinth

Описание к видео PAUL & HIS FRIENDS: 6. SILAS: Co-Founded Churches at Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea & Corinth

Silas was many things. He was a leader and prophet at the Church of Jerusalem. Then he was present as teacher and leader at the Church of Antioch. He was Paul's companion during his second missionary journey. It was during this journey that he helped co-found the Macedonian Churches - the Church of Philippi, the Church of Thessalonica, and the Church of Berea. He also helped co-found the Church of Corinth. Timothy and Luke were also present with Paul and Silas during some stretches of the second missionary journey. Silas, along with Paul, suffered persecution and physical harm at Philippi. They had to flee Thessalonica and Berea because of opposition. All in all, Silas was a leader, prophet, itinerant evangelist, church planter. Later, he also helped Peter write his first epistle. A great man of God!


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