Next.js + Inngest: Unlocking Long-Running AI Workflow Automation

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Build durable AI workflows in JavaScript or TypeScript to work with your NextJS or React applications quickly and easily using Inngest.


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👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF

00:00 Introduction
00:37 The Background Rater app
01:37 The AI workflow
03:16 Getting started with the code
04:37 Why not just call AI directly?
05:06 Installing Inngest
06:02 Creating the Inngest client
06:25 Sending your first event
07:09 The NextJS/Inngest event flow
07:50 Creating the Inngest endpoint
08:34 Adding your first function
10:59 Connecting the function
11:39 Systems architecture
12:50 Adding another AI call
13:41 There is no magic here
14:48 Calling Dall-e
16:50 Adding throttling

This video is sponsored by Inngest


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