How to Paint a Bath with MTN Pro Bathtub & Tile Paint

Описание к видео How to Paint a Bath with MTN Pro Bathtub & Tile Paint

MTN PRO Bathtub & Tile Paint it’s a white paint with a satin finish developed with epoxy resins, ideal for retouching or repainting surfaces such as bathtubs and tiles in one product. Its high resistance to water and excellent adhesion make this product your best ally for bathroom or kitchen refurbishment, optimally renewing any porcelain or ceramic surface. The product is only available in white.

0:08 Use gloves and a mask

0:15 Prepare the surface with a scrubbing sponge and a degreasing product to create a slightly porous surface
Clean the entire Surface
If the bathtub is badly damaged it can be repaired with a polyester putty.
Sand with P400 or P600 sandpaper
Clean and dry before painting

0:47 Shake well for one minute

0:51Test distance and flow beforehand

0:56 Paint holding the can in an upright position where posible. Apply three or four thin layers rather than one thick coat. Make sure to cover the entire surface

1:18 Once finished, clean the nozzle by holding the can upside-down and pressing down until only propellant comes out. If the nozzle is clogged, simply change it for a new one.

1:23 Can be repainted with the same paint after 30-60 minutes. Can be repainted with another product, like the MTN Color Paint, after 24 hours. You can make normal use of the bath after 72 hours.


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