Donut Loves Babies. He Is A Wonderful Mother!

Описание к видео Donut Loves Babies. He Is A Wonderful Mother!

The baby's mother, Zabon, was not well. Donut realised this and took over caring for them. Every morning he waited by the gate into this separate enclosure where Zabon and the babies spent the night. As soon as the gate was opened and the babies cannot Donut looked after them, following them around, guarding them and making sure they did not fall into the pond. He was often helped by his mother, Momiji, who was the best mother in the world.

You can read all about the capybaras at Nagasaki Bio Park in this book with lots and lots of photos and video links. Their lives are very interesting just like a human "soap opera"!

Book 2: "The Fascinating Lives and Relationships Of Capybaras In A Herd"

I write about the lives and relationships of a herd of capybaras who I came to know and love. Their lives are fascinating and often dramatic and intensely emotional, like a gripping human drama! Capybaras have very high emotional intelligence and their behaviors and emotions are often very similar to how a human would behave in the same situation. We are both mammals and emotions appeared early in mammalian evolution, so it makes sense that we would share similar emotions.

I find it interesting that the capybaras Hinase, leader of the herd, liked best, were also the capybaras I liked best. I found a great similarity between the capybaras' emotions and my own. I fell in love with Donguri with her patient, compassionate, empathetic personality. She and her family, Momiji Choco Donut and Aoba, were very intelligent and sensitive. They were all natural leaders. Hinase and daughter, Ryoko were very tough minded and strong emotionally. Hinase was an inspiration. Her strength of mind and willpower overcame her frailty and increasing weakness in old age. Breeding males, Toku, Yasushi and Kona all influenced the personalities and character of their offspring. Toku was a very kind, intelligent capybara. Yasushi loved to be petted and had the longest hair of any capybara I have met. Kona was bred to be responsive to humans and super responsive to being petted, his offspring have inherited these qualities while not quite understanding herd behaviour.

WN Donut LOves Babies Protects Them 21 Sep 2019 063 20 Sep 2019 71


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