Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery - Post-op Week 10 | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

Описание к видео Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery - Post-op Week 10 | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

Our patient and friend John suffered a large right side Achilles tendon rupture in a game of football, which was almost a 4mm gap so needed a surgical repair. He is now 10 weeks post-operaitve and out of the boot. Today is the first day he starts the exercises at week 10 in the program. He is lucky - he does not have much calf muscle atrophy but he still has stiffness, loss of range and weakness which all need to be worked on carefully. We are also working on his walking to reduce the limp and improve his activity through the tendon when walking.

1️⃣ Isometric Calf Raise
2️⃣ Calf Raises (Repeated)

For the full Achilles Injury and Surgery Rehab Program head to:

Physio Fitness | Physio Rehab


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