ChenJiaGou Chen Tai Chi Sword - Zhu Tian Cai Family Version

Описание к видео ChenJiaGou Chen Tai Chi Sword - Zhu Tian Cai Family Version

ChenJiaGou Zhu Tian Cai - Family Line; Traditional Chen Tai Chi Sword.
Chenjiagou-Europe Taijiquan Association Austria - School of ChenJiaGou GM Chen Zhaosen, Chen Bing, Zhu Tian Cai in Austria.

自然优雅, 不用发劲炫耀, 不需低架自豪; 回归自然, 无处非阴阳, 返璞归真的境界.
Elegant, Natur and Beautiful; no need low stance, no need showing Fajin, just enjoying and playing with the Taiji principle...Wonderful!


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