Zazuko KGF 24: Jerven Bolleman (SIB) - UniProt, Rhea, SwissLipids, HAMAP Practical SPARQL in Biotech

Описание к видео Zazuko KGF 24: Jerven Bolleman (SIB) - UniProt, Rhea, SwissLipids, HAMAP Practical SPARQL in Biotech

Zazuko Knowledge Graph Forum 2024

Jerven Bolleman (SIB): UniProt, Rhea, Swiss-Lipids, and HAMAP: From Huge to Tiny - Practical SPARQL in the Life Sciences

Discover how the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics harnesses SPARQL for vast biological data sets through platforms like UniProt, the world's largest public SPARQL endpoint with nearly 150 billion triples! Learn about Rhea's integration of chemical reactions, the role of fats in Swiss-Lipids, and the internal yet impactful HAMAP project. Jerven Bolleman shares the technical challenges and innovative solutions employed in these systems, demonstrating their use in both SIB’s broader RDF landscape and in conjunction with other data sources like the Gene Ontology.

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