Zazuko KGF 24: Ora Lassila (Amazon) - Keynote: Reflecting on the Semantic Web Vision

Описание к видео Zazuko KGF 24: Ora Lassila (Amazon) - Keynote: Reflecting on the Semantic Web Vision

Zazuko Knowledge Graph Forum 2024

Ora Lassila (Amazon) - Keynote: Reflecting on the Semantic Web Vision

Celebrating over two decades of the Semantic Web, Ora Lassila, Principal Graph Technologist at AWS, revisits the original vision that shaped today’s knowledge graphs. In his talk, Ora reflects on the successes and challenges of the Semantic Web, considers the role of enterprise knowledge graphs as its modern embodiment, and discusses future directions. Key topics include the integration of LLMs, the impact of Labeled Property Graphs, and the evolution of relevant standards.

More information & slides:


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