Jak podejmować dobre decyzje w trudnych momentach | Karol Bielecki | TEDxKoszalin

Описание к видео Jak podejmować dobre decyzje w trudnych momentach | Karol Bielecki | TEDxKoszalin

PL: “U szczytu kariery, w sezonie marzeń, kiedy wydawało mi się, że mam już wszystko, o czym może marzyć młody sportowiec ? w wyniku wypadku na boisku straciłem oko.
Stanąłem przed najtrudniejszą jak dotąd decyzją w swoim życiu: co dalej z Karolem Bieleckim? Czy posłuchać pierwszej diagnozy: to koniec kariery, nie będziesz już nigdy grał? ? czy też może skupić się na kolejnej: w zasadzie możesz próbować, tylko od Ciebie zależy, co z tym zrobisz.
Przekonałem się, że los nigdy niczego mi nie dał ani niczego nie zabrał. Los tylko złożył mi pewną propozycję, której ja nie przyjąłem”

EN: "At the peak of my career, in the dream season, when it seemed to me that I already have everything a young athlete can dream about? as a result of an accident on the field, I lost my eye.
I faced the most difficult decision in my life so far: what's next with Karol Bielecki? Listen to the first diagnosis: it's the end of your career, you'll never play again? ? or maybe focus on the next one: basically you can try, it's up to you what you do with it.
I have found that fate never gave me anything or took anything. Fate just made me an offer that I did not accept. " Polish handball player playing the left quarterback, Polish representative, participant in the Olympic Games, runner-up of the 2007 World Cup, bronze medalist of the 2009 World Championships, bronze medalist of the 2015 World Championships in Qatar.
In 2010, during a match with Croatia, he lost his eye as a result of the accident. He is the only player in the world who has played handball with one eye with success, incomparable to others.
In 2016, he served as the Polish ensign during the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, during which he also became the Top Goalscorer by scoring 55 goals. After the 2017/2018 club season, he ended his sports career. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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