Sztuka błądzenia | Rafał Żak | TEDxKoszalin

Описание к видео Sztuka błądzenia | Rafał Żak | TEDxKoszalin

Błąd, niepowodzenie, pomyłka, blamaż, niedopatrzenie, porażka, epic fail, klęska, klapa, fuckup?.Będziemy mówić o błędach na różne sposoby. Wszystko po to, żeby pokazać jak: – uczyć się na własnych błędach – przechodzić przez porażki – mylić się szybko, by poprawiać swoje działania – budować kulturę organizacyjną akceptującą niepowodzenia – popełniać błędy z premedytacją, by rozwijać swoją organizację. He deals with the development of people and organizations. He does it in four roles: trainer, speaker, coach and author.
Promotes evidence-based growth and with a little dose of insolence insists that he does in the way that he can see the boundaries between the development that has sense, and development which is a goal in itself.
As a trainer, he likes to work with high potential groups, people who contribute to the development of entire organizations through their daily activities.
As the speaker tries to combine the attractiveness of the message with essential content, which can not be neglected.
As a coach he works mainly with business coaching managers. In the role of the author has a few books on this account.
Awarded for the title of Coach for the Polish Coaching Society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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