Role of mediator in divorce process in Nepal । संम्बन्ध विच्छेदमा मेलमिलापकर्ता को भूमिका

Описание к видео Role of mediator in divorce process in Nepal । संम्बन्ध विच्छेदमा मेलमिलापकर्ता को भूमिका

In the process of divorce, the spouses are rarely able to regulate maintenance, property, and childcare by mutual agreement. Because the nerves are bare, quarrels can quickly arise, often for nothing. Therefore, the spouses need support, for example through divorce mediation. Instead of breaking a lawsuit over every dispute, inexpensive divorce mediation can be taken which can greatly reduce the cost of a divorce. The divorce mediation can clarify divorce conflicts without litigation and the spouses about all relevant legal situations regarding their divorce. Some of the mediators are additionally trained lawyers. please visit on


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