Amare Happy Juice Pack

Описание к видео Amare Happy Juice Pack

Amare Happy Juice Pack. Balance. Energy. Motivation. For your gut-brain axis.

Nutrients that’ll make your gut microbiome smile. GBX :)
And when your microbiome is happy, you feel great from the inside out.

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A healthy gut produces “happiness” hormones. Serotonin, GABA & Dopamine. These neurotransmitters connect the gut and the brain. Sending signals. Regulating systems throughout the body. Impacting everything from digestion to mood.

That’s why we call it Happy Juice. 3 of our most beloved products combined.

The first: Balance the gut with MentaBiotics.

MentaBiotics is packed with “happy” probiotics. Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011, Bifidobacterium longum R0175, Lactobacillus helveticus R0052.

And just the right amount of “happy” prebiotics. IsoFiber™ (Iso-Malto-Oligosaccharides), Bimuno® (Galacto-Oligo-Saccharides), SunFiber® (Galactomannan Fiber).

When combined, your gut microbiome is literally happy. Lower cortisol. Enhanced calmness. Less anxiety. More serotonin, GABA & dopamine production.

Second: Energy+.
Available in Original. Pomegranate Lime. Powered by Guayusa. (A coffee alternative found in the Amazon)

Or Sugar & Caffeine Free. Dragon Fruit. Powered by Rooibos (An antioxidant-rich source of energy)

Take your pick. (Both are delicious) Both deliver the Amare Gut Brain Axis (GBX) Proprietary Blend. Applephenon® Asian Apple, Enovita® French Grape, Enzogenol® New Zealand Pine Bark. Both deliver smooth, clear, clean, focused, reliably awesome
all-natural energy.

And when you have all-natural energy, you really feel happier. You may even notice the birds chirping. Or smile back at a stranger.

These synergistic benefits are amplified even more by the last Happy Juice component:
Amare EDGE. The all-natural nootropic that supports motivation. 3 synergistically powerful ingredients. Combined for the first time. Mango Leaf, Lychee Fruit, Palm Fruit.

Immediate mental flow - Mango Leaf. Body and mind endurance - Lychee Fruit. Better neuron regeneration - Palm Fruit.

Crush your to-do list. Finally do that thing you’ve been meaning to do. But don’t just do it. Love it.

And it starts in your gut. Balance. Energy. Motivation. This is Happy Juice. And you know what else? It tastes amazing. For real.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary.
Various studies have suggested benefits following daily consumption of the key ingredients in Amare Happy Juice Pack. Refer to product labels and for more information.


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