Google Ads: Add to Cart Abandonment Remarketing

Описание к видео Google Ads: Add to Cart Abandonment Remarketing

Add to Cart abandonment is when a user adds products to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase. This often happens when users are already logged in to the site. Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest. Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to. Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events. Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display. Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel. By Yousaf Yunes: CEO and Founder of YRV Dynamics.

-Add to Cart Abandonment occurs when users add products to their cart but don't complete the purchase.
-Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest.
-Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to.
-Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events.
-Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display.
-Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel.

00:00 Understanding Add to Cart Abandonment
01:23 Mobile as the Highest Cart Abandonment Rate
05:52 Effective Remarketing with Product Feed Campaigns
08:04 The Significance of Add to Cart Abandonment in Certain Verticals
10:30 Engage with the Speaker's WhatsApp Group


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