Wood Stove Chimney Pipe Installation Gone WRONG with Bird Guard Vent Cover

Описание к видео Wood Stove Chimney Pipe Installation Gone WRONG with Bird Guard Vent Cover

My Wood Stove Chimney Pipe Installation Gone WRONG with Bird Guard Vent Cover by causing the chimney pipe leak and create a smoke filled cabin.I have the rain cap for cabin wood stove but still had problems keeping birds out of chimney so I installed a diy stove pipe guard for the rain cap but made a big mistake in doing so. With a small cabin in the woods and a wood stove smoking into house with major draw problems then I decided to share this one of many wood stove tips. Don't do what I did when it comes to wood stove burning and protecting birds. Not one of my best wood stove ideas. Wood stove back draft and creosote build up will accelerate much quicker and create a life threatening fire hazard.

May All Your Branches Become Full of Fruit.

3 Basket Living
[email protected]

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