鮮蝦脆皮春卷 Crispy Spring Roll with Shrimp

Описание к видео 鮮蝦脆皮春卷 Crispy Spring Roll with Shrimp

鮮蝦脆皮春卷 Crispy Spring Roll with Shrimp

材料 Ingredients
春卷皮 10張 / Spring Roll Wrapper 10 pcs
麵粉 1湯匙 / Flour 1 tablespoon
水 2湯匙 / Water 2 tablespoon

餡料 Filling
蝦5-8隻 / 5-8 Shrimp
紅蘿蔔 半條 / Half of a Carrot
椰菜半個 / Half of a Cabbage
雲耳 5-8 片 / Dried Black Fungus 5-8 pcs
粉絲 20g / Glass Noodles 20gm

蝦醃料 / Marinates for shrimp
鹽 少許/ A pinch of Salt
煮食酒 少許/ Drizzle of Cooking Wine

調味料 Seasonings
醬油 1湯匙 / Light Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon
糖、白胡椒粉、麻油 各少許 / Sugar, White Pepper Powder, Sesame Oil, to taste

做法 Instructions
1. 先洗淨蝦,抺乾水份切粒,用少許鹽和料理酒醃10分鐘,備用。 Rinse and pat dry the shrimp, dice and marinate it with salt and cooking wine for 10 minutes.

2. 紅蘿蔔去皮,刨絲。椰菜切絲。雲耳浸軟後切絲。粉絲泡浸切段。 Peel and shred the carrot. Shred the cabbage. Soak the dried black fungus in water until soft and then slice finely. Soak the glass noodles in water until soft and then cut into sections.

3. 鍋中加1湯匙油燒熱,放入紅蘿蔔絲、椰菜絲、雲耳絲、粉絲及蝦粒均勻伴炒,然後加入所有調味料炒至所有餡料熟透。 In the pan heat 1 tablespoon of oil until hot, stir fry the shredded carrot, cabbage, black fungus slices, glass noodles and diced shrimp, then add the seasonings and keep stir frying until all ingredients are cooked well.

4. 將餡料攤平放於一大盤上,放涼備用。麵粉加適量清水做成麵糊作封口用。Flat the fillings on a large pan and let it cool for later use. Mix the flour with water to make a thickening paste for sealing the roll.

5.將餡料放在春卷皮的中間。然後下部慢慢往上卷,再將左右側對折,用少許麵粉糊黏口。 Add about a tablespoon of filling in the middle of the wrapper, roll it from the bottom, then fold the sides. Brush some thickening on the edge to seal the wrapper.

6.燒熱油鍋,將春卷以中火炸至表面呈金黄色,取出瀝去多餘的油分。 放涼5分鐘後就可以食用。 Deep fry the spring rolls in a hot oil pot over medium heat, fry both sides until golden brown. Take out and drain the excess oil, let it cool for another 5 minutes and serve.


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