pRETTy Lena - "Silent Angel" with Rett Syndrome

Описание к видео pRETTy Lena - "Silent Angel" with Rett Syndrome

You can help Lenka in 3 ways:

1. donate 1% tax:
KRS: 0000037904
Specific purpose : "Lena Szczepanska Smolec".

2. by making a donation to the fundraising:

3. by making financial donations:
in the title of the donation please specify the number : 41622
bank account number:
for USD: PL 90 2490 0005 0000 4530 9858 49944
for GBP: PL 28 2490 0005 0000 4600 6246 8310
for Euro: PL 82 2490 0005 0000 4600 7337 4309

We were sure that our daughter was healthy. Over time, we began to notice that Lenka was only lying down, not rising to sit up. We began to consult doctors about her condition, but we usually heard that she was the lazy type. However, day by day the situation became more and more worrisome - Lenka began to be less and less communicative, and muscle atrophy appeared in her legs, despite constant exercise. Finally, thanks to genetic testing, it turned out that Lenka is struggling with Rett syndrome....

The disease affects only girls, locks them in, takes away their ability to speak, walk, control their bodies, and causes the body to struggle with breathing problems, epileptic seizures, convulsions and heart disease. There is no cure in Poland at the moment, and the disease is called incurable. Lenka is now 21 months old, and our lives for the past year have been subordinated to daily therapies that have helped Lena take her first steps.

Research on Rett syndrome has advanced in recent years. There is hope in a therapy in the United States, which will be available as early as March 2023! We dream of being able to go there with our Lenka. We believe that by doing so, we will stop the progression of the disease, and our daughter will get a chance for a truly happy childhood! Unfortunately, what is blocking us is the huge amount of money we need to raise to fight for our daughter. The first trip to the US is expected to cost up to half a million zlotys! Lenka is making progress, and we can't let this terrible disease destroy her work so far.
Thank you for any help!

Tymek's parents and brother

The link to the fundraising can be found here:


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