NFDI Science Slam 2023: Sonja Schimmler - An Introduction to NFDI4DataScience

Описание к видео NFDI Science Slam 2023: Sonja Schimmler - An Introduction to NFDI4DataScience

Prof. Dr. Sonja Schimmler explained how to grow trees in a data science garden and demonstrated the work of research organizations like NFDI. She is a visiting professor at the Technical University of Berlin and heads the Research Data Infrastructure department. At the same time, she is a research group leader at Fraunhofer FOKUS.

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is set up as a networked structure of individually acting consortia from scientific communities. The common goal is to make the data sets of science and research accessible. Infrastructures are systematically developed and sustainably secures.

On November 9, scientists from various research institutions “slamed” in entertaining presentations on their favorite topic. The audience decided afterwards which slam was the most beautiful, funniest or even most exciting. The fun of research is always in the foreground for the science slammers and the audience. The 3rd NFDI Science Slam was part of the Berlin Science Week and hosted at Fraunhofer FOKUS.

More information:
Fraunhofer FOKUS


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