Противодействие Пари отъезду Мирзы Али в город со своей второй женой. безопасный дом

Описание к видео Противодействие Пари отъезду Мирзы Али в город со своей второй женой. безопасный дом

Pari's opposition to Mirza Ali going to the city with his second wife may stem from a variety of reasons. One possible reason could be that Pari is concerned for Mirza Ali's safety and well-being, as traveling with a second wife may attract unwanted attention or potential danger. Additionally, Pari may feel betrayed or hurt by Mirza Ali's decision to bring his second wife along, which could be causing her to express opposition. Pari may also have cultural or religious beliefs that dictate that a man should not travel with multiple wives at the same time. Ultimately, Pari's opposition could be driven by a combination of concerns for Mirza Ali's safety, her own feelings of hurt or betrayal, and adherence to cultural or religious norms.



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