Попытка второй жены подать на Мирзу Али в суд и развестись

Описание к видео Попытка второй жены подать на Мирзу Али в суд и развестись

The second wife may be seeking a divorce in order to end the marriage and move on with her life. Additionally, she may be seeking to retrieve her dowry, which is a customary payment or gift given by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage. If the marriage is dissolved, she may be entitled to have her dowry returned to her as part of the divorce settlement.

Taking legal action to seek a divorce and retrieve her dowry can be a complex and challenging process, as it may involve navigating the legal system, negotiating with Mirza Ali, and potentially facing social stigma or backlash. However, the second wife may feel that it is necessary to take these steps in order to protect her rights and ensure a fair resolution to the situation.



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