Software Developer after BCA | How He Got Job after BCA

Описание к видео Software Developer after BCA | How He Got Job after BCA

In this video we have discussed how Faizan got job after BCA without MCA.

Faizan's Linkedin:   / md-faizan-siddique-b718891a6  

Faizan BCA:    / @faizanbca  


00:00 Coming up
00:39 Introduction
01:23 What is your background
02:30 How many companies have you worked in?What is your tech stack ?
04:05 How did you switch to a tech role after completing your BCA?
07:08 What’s the average salary after BCA?
08:12 What should be the roadmap for getting a tech job after BCA?
11:32 After BCA, should we do a job or pursue MCA ?
13:44 Which companies can we join after BCA?
16:12 Which are the best colleges in India for BCA?
18:17 Which tech stack is the best for getting job after BCA?
20:11 Which is the best government job after BCA?
22:04 conclusion


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