Ship 30 For 30 Review + Discount Code

Описание к видео Ship 30 For 30 Review + Discount Code

I was on the fence about Ship 30 For 30 but really believe in what they're doing. Check out this video for a few highlights of what it's about, the content they offer, and how you can get started.

Use these links to get $20 off your Ship 30 For 30 and/or Write the Ship Memberships:

$20 Off June Enrollment:

$200 Off Write the Ship:

Shop All Products from the #Ship30For30 Team:

Note: If you use this link to purchase I do get a kickback. I really believe in this program and anything I earn will be reinvested back into keeping my membership active.

If you want to write consistently and/or build an audience online, Ship 30 for 30 is a great way to get started. Hope to meet you in Ship 30 For 30!

P.S. I also wrote a few things about the course on my blog. Feel free to take a look if you're a reader instead of a watcher:


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