How Is This 'Saving The Planet'?

Описание к видео How Is This 'Saving The Planet'?

I truly do not understand how LED light bulbs are 'saving the planet'. There is a consistent them of exaggeration (which is lying) and deceptive advertising associated with these supposedly 'energy-efficient' products. There's also a major issue of material waste associated with them which seems to somehow be completely ignored. People need to stop being blinded by the lies and start thinking about the products and their claims before making a purchase.

I'm sure this comments box will become full of comments supporting the use and production of LED light bulbs. Take note how the overwhelming majority of them are completely unintelligent, making claims with no supporting information or just regurgitating the inaccurate statements heard on advertisements and/or read on this very package. I'd be happy to read and entertain an intelligent discussion as to why I should buy and use these bulbs, but such discussion never seems to surface.


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