Demo class is the first time you interact with your student face to face. Through demo class, you give them confidence regarding your ability to help a student in respective subjects. So let's learn how to be well prepared for Demo during #interview.
My channel is like a helping hands for the teachers specially new and fresher teacher those who are looking for ideas and activities for how to teach the Little learners
Dear all please check all this videos link which are useful for you👇
Teacher’s needful videos
• Плейлист
Demo Teaching for Teachers for an Interview
• Demo for teaching job
Warm Up songs and activities for teachers
Classroom English for teachers
• Classroom english for teachers
Ideas and activities for students and teachers for different occasion
Speech for different events & occasion
• Speech for Different occasion
Rhymes with action for teachers and parents
Videos for Parents
Dear Teachers and Parents!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all! My name is Manju and I have been making video and creating educational resources for the teachers which really makes them easier to conduct any class with little learners! I am a teacher and I just love to share fun and new ideas for pre primary,primary teachers to use in their classrooms.
Happy Teaching
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