How to Redeem an I Bond

Описание к видео How to Redeem an I Bond

Hey, change of plans! See my latest video: I no longer plan to buy any I Bonds in 2023!
I'm going to only redeem I Bonds:    • Don't Buy I Bonds in 2023!  

I had planned to replace two older I Bonds with lower fixed rates of 0.3% with new I Bonds with a fixed rate of 0.4% or more. The first step will be redeem the older bond on TreasuryDirect.

Be sure to check out this recent I Bond video too:    • My Plan to Sell I Bonds in 2023  

My standard warning: I am not a professional. I have no initials after my name. So take these as entertaining ideas from one educated consumer to another. Always do your own due diligence and seek out a professional, if you need one.

Be sure to like and subscribe to this channel for more DIY retiree ideas.


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