90. Solar air heating: We build a DIY version and check out SolarWalls

Описание к видео 90. Solar air heating: We build a DIY version and check out SolarWalls

We build a simple DIY solar air heater and explore what a scaled up version of this technology looks like. We made these with students from schools in Alberta and it was a great hands-on project for the students. It also serves as a opportunity to learn more about scaled-up solar air heating which is being used to heat car plants and other major complexes. Not only do solar air walls provide free heat they can also supply huge amounts of fresh air, which if you are a car company using paints and other chemicals is a big help as well!
This technology is simple, accessible and makes a ton of sense in many applications. The only reason we can think of that this kind of technology is not used everywhere is it's not very sexy! Learn more in our GreenEnergyFutures.ca blog at http://www.greenenergyfutures.ca/epis...


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