life update: ultrasound, school, new business... || Ask The Rad Tech

Описание к видео life update: ultrasound, school, new business... || Ask The Rad Tech

There's been a lot going on lately so I just wanted to check in with you all :)

#radiologictechnologist #startingabusiness #ultrasound


R E C E N T V I D E O S ➤
What I think about my career .. Almost 2 years later -    • What I think about my career .. Almos...  
x-ray room tour ~ x-ray tube, bucky, lead aprons & more -    • x-ray room tour ~ x-ray tube, bucky, ...  
my first day as an x-ray radiologic technologist (recap) -    • my first day as an x-ray radiologic t...  
medical ethics DOES NOT CARE if you're vaccinated OR a criminal 🤷‍ -    • medical ethics DOES NOT CARE if you'r...  


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