Photography On Location: Route 66

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In this "photography on location" video I venture to the Mojave Desert in search of scenes worthy of exposing on film. A small stretch of abandoned buildings along the iconic Route 66 caught my eye and served up plenty of photo opportunities for the day.

I had no shortage of cameras with me on this trip: my Shen Hao TFC 617-A panoramic 6x17 camera, my Mamiya RZ67 medium format camera with both 6x7 and 6x6 backs, my Polaroid SX-70, and even my Polaroid Originals OneStep 2. My films of choice for the day were Fuji Velvia 100, Kodak Portra 160, and Polaroid Originals 600 color and monochrome.

So many options, so little time. But hey, variety is the spice of life, right?

Deteriorating buildings in the middle of the desert with a rumbling freight train in the background while I meticulously compose a shot on my 6x17 panoramic view camera is about 1 step away from my idea of heaven. I couldn't get enough of this place. The decaying buildings, the long and lonesome Route 66, the desert air, the incredible's what I live for.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the photos from this outing. The panoramic 6x17 shots ended up being my favorites, but then again there's something especially fun about shooting 6x6. Fuji Velvia film delivered as always on its promise of colorful, contrasty, "popping" photos while Kodak Portra gave me a much softer color palette and contrast.

Both looks have their merits and each are beautiful films in their own way. I can never make up my mind as to which look I like better.

Variety. Spice. Life. ...mmhhmm.

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