Photography On Location: Deterioration in the Desert

Описание к видео Photography On Location: Deterioration in the Desert

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Is there anything a photographer loves more than urban decay? I think not. We are moths and urban decay is our flame. It is the honey to our bees. Wait, no. That analogy doesn't make sense. Bees make honey but we don't make urban decay. Okay, okay I got it. Urban decay is the pollen to our bees. Yep, there it is.

I'm no exception. I love shooting old run-down buildings and busted-up things rotting in the desert. And that's why when I first laid eyes on the subject of this video, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I needed to come back. I needed to expose some film because this subject was just too damn good to ignore.

So with my truck loaded up with my Shen-Hao TFC 617-A panoramic camera, a cooler full of Kodak Portra film, and plenty of warm clothing, I ventured out to my pre-scouted location to scratch an itch that had been bugging me for months. And what itch was that? The itch to photograph something rad. Well guess what, baby, I scratched that itch so good. So damn good.

I'm sure I'll get asked where exactly this location is, so I'll just go ahead and address that now: Drive from Orange County to Las Vegas. You'll see it on the way. But if you do visit this location, please be respectful. This site may look dilapidated and neglected, but it's still someone else's land. And for the love of God, don't go paint some wannabe "street art" on anything out there. We have enough of those stupid "obey" faces as it is.

Enjoy this video of me taking pictures!

Instagram:   / nickcarver  


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