Cooking for Dead People Episode 1: Borsch!

Описание к видео Cooking for Dead People Episode 1: Borsch!

In this episode, host Emma Palumbo learns how to make Ukrainian Borsch with guest, Veronica Post. This episode takes place in Emma's kitchen in Kjipuktuk, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mi'kma'ki. The Borsch was made over the span of a day in late October, 2023.

Cooking for Dead People (CFDP) is a cooking series that explores the connection between grief, ancestors, love, gathering, food and relationship through oral, visual and written story-sharing. The container for this project is intentionally flexible and fluid for a more expansive and generative space to explore grief through creative collective expressions.

Guests of this show are welcome to tell their story and/or share the story of their beloved in any way that honours their unique experience of cooking with or for their ancestor - this can be a friend, a grandparent, a parent, a neighbour, an animal, a tree, or someone in their lineage who they have never met but has inspired their recipe. There is no ‘right way’ to tell stories or teach a recipe.


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